In accordance with federal statute, Henderson County Schools District is required to inform our community and our stakeholders regarding our intent to apply to the Nita M. Lowey 21st Century Community Learning Grant. The following school intends to apply: Henderson County High School.
The 21st CCLC is a federal program that provides a safe environment to students during non-school hours. The program provides academic, artistic, and cultural enrichment opportunities for students who attend high-poverty and low-performing schools, to meet the challenging state academic standards. KDE’s mission is to partner with districts, schools, families, students, businesses, industries, and communities to provide leadership and support to ensure success for every student. Programs must provide a balance of enrichment opportunities that include active, hands-on engagement, with activities that address the needs of the whole child and help meet local and state academic standards.
At this time we would like to invite you to complete a short online needs assessment survey (Click here for the survey link). This survey will provide us with information to help determine the current needs in the community. It is also being used to collect feedback and/or input from you. All information provided will be directly used in the development of our 21st CCLC grant program plan.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact our current 21st CCLC co-directors with any questions in regards to 21st CCLC at 270-831-8800 or email them at
Waide Williams,
Edward Clouse,