Jefferson Elementary School
Henderson County Schools is pleased to announce that Jefferson Elementary School is the next major Investing in Excellence construction project.
Jefferson Elementary School was built in 1964 with renovations occurring in 1994.
The construction manager for the project is Codell Construction.
The architect for the project is Hafer Design.
The total construction cost estimate is $17,863,000.
The total project cost estimate is $21,081,000.
We are anticipating the construction to be complete by December 2021.
Features of the new school include:
A modern media center with innovative technology features, which will serve as the heart of the school located near the front entrance
A spacious gymnasium that can hold the entire student body with a stage to allow for a variety of uses
A separate bus and Parent pick up/ drop off vehicle pathways and parking to accommodate over 200 cars
Maximum use of natural sunlight and energy efficiency throughout the school
Geothermal HVAC System
A tornado shelter that can protect every student and teacher
Accommodate 400 students, 18 classrooms, an art/music room, a computer lab, and 4 resource rooms with a total of 57,520 sq. feet
Aging school buildings can create challenges for 21st-century instruction, curriculum, and student learning. We are looking forward to a modern and progressive design for Jefferson Elementary School, which will include learning labs, spaces for STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, the Arts and Mathematics) education, an energy-efficient design, and a safe learning environment for students.
Updated January 21, 2022
Moving right along at the construction site for the new Jefferson Elementary School School
-The front elevation curtain wall framing is installed and glass is expected to be delivered this week for installation.
-Drywall and ceiling grid installation is continuing, primarily on the 2nd floor.
-Ceramic tile for the restrooms was delivered last week and installation will begin in 2 weeks.
-The painting contractor is scheduled to return later this week to resume finish paint throughout the classrooms and corridors.